What are the Environmental Benefits of CBNF Agriculture?
Cow-based Natural Farming (CBNF) comes as a holistic approach for bringing a proper balance in agriculture and the ecosystem. It combines both traditional and modern farming techniques to eradicate the harmful effects of climate change. Additionally, it contributes to building sustainable livelihoods for farmers by reducing input costs. The importance of eating chemical-free food is growing. Consumers prefer paying for high-quality food, and farmers need to take advantage of this opportunity to empower themselves financially.
CBNF Aids in Building a Chemical-free and Sustainable Environment
Indian cows have been overlooked for years. Now, the world recognizes their medicinal, agricultural, and economic value. Cows are the only animals with milk, urine, and dung that are all useful to humans. CBNF’s primary foundation is managing the ecosystem instead of bringing external inputs from agriculture. In simple words, it focuses on eliminating synthetic products such as fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, it considers the potential effects on the environment and society and thus eliminates the use of genetic engineering, preservatives, additives, and irradiation.
To prioritize both the economic viability and the environment’s safety, CBNF provides many benefits:
Long-term Sustainability
- CBNF agriculture is different from conventional agriculture because it takes a long-term view. Apart from being a more sustainable way to produce food, it involves making changes to the agroecosystem, which can take time. CBNF is a proactive approach to prevention and attempts to avoid problems rather than react to them. This way of farming considers the effects of agricultural interventions on the ecosystem and aims to produce food while balancing ecological changes.
Enhances Soil Health
- Soil building practices are central to organic agriculture. They encourage soil fauna and flora, which in turn improve soil formation and structure. This creates more stable systems, where it enhances nutrient and energy cycling. It also increases the retentive abilities of the soil by implementing central practices like crop rotation, intercropping, minimum tillage, cover crops, and symbiotic associations.
- Better soil management techniques, such as leaving the soil for shorter periods and increasing biodiversity, help control erosion and keep our land productive. Implementation of farm-derived resources is generally enough to compensate for the nutrient loss. However, sometimes organic soils also need supplemental nutrients like Potassium, Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium.
Decreases Groundwater Pollution
- Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides pollute the groundwater. Organic methods replace them with natural fertilizers such as compost, animal manure, and green manure. It results in making the soil more fertile and better able to absorb water. This also increases biodiversity by cultivating more species and permanent vegetation.
- Agriculture has many impacts on the environment, but one of the most damaging is using an excess of fertilizers. Organic agriculture has better nutrient retention abilities, which means it can reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. Organic farming in some areas is encouraged as a respite measure to help clean up contamination.
Mitigates Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Organic agriculture is better for the environment due to its ability to reduce non-renewable energy use. Many practices used by organic agriculture increase the amount of carbon in the soil, including reducing agrochemical usage. Organic agriculture also sequesters carbon in the soil, which reduces greenhouse gases and helps stop global warming. It eventually increases the productivity of soil and restores carbon storage.
- Many studies also reveal that carbon content in soil is considerably more with organic farming methods than other methods. Increased carbon retention in the soil leads to an even enhanced eradication of harmful effects of climate change.
Increases Resistance Among Farmers Against Diseases
- There’s a delicate balance between biodiversity and agriculture, too. Organic farmers are custodians of the earth’s natural resources, using them to grow crops. This means they must have diverse species to maximize their production. In genic selection, the farmers prefer seeds and breeds with higher resistance to diseases and a stronger ability to withstand climate stress.
Maintains Ecosystem by Providing Suitable Habitats
- Conserving the environment is vital to the sustainability of organic farming. Organic farms are healthier for wildlife because of the lack of exposure to chemicals or other harmful substances. Organic farms work hard to maintain wildlife areas. By doing so, they are saving animals’ homes that are at risk of being destroyed.
- In species selection, the farmers use a diverse combination of plants and animals to optimize nutrient cycles. It encourages the use of underused species and creates a healthier gene pool for future adaptations. Organic farming also provides a safe haven for animals, and this benefit attracts new species. Similarly, the lack of chemical fertilizers also brings flora and fauna from the wild and other organisms fruitful for organic farming. These include organisms that carry pollen to fertilize plants and predators that prey on pests.
Strict Prohibition of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
- The use of GMOs isn’t allowed in organic systems. Organic agriculture is going the extra mile to maintain a natural, diverse environment and a healthy populace. Organic food production, processing, and handling are not permitted to use any genetically modified organisms. If you’re looking for products free of GMOs, look for the organic label. Organic certification ensures that all parts of the production process contain no GMOs from the field to the factory. This is a valuable way to avoid GMOs in your food, unlike in conventional products.
Girveda’s Promise to Conserve Nature and Natural Services
Organic farming benefits not just the environment. Organic food production is better for the interaction between people and nature. Choosing CBNF organic agriculture, the consumers uphold their responsibility by using purchasing power to promote pollution-free surroundings.
The food we consume should have all the nutrients and essential oils intact. That’s where natural farming comes in. Girveda, your go-to option for natural farming products, ensures its products are made with the best possible taste and flavor. Our partner farmers use natural inputs, like manure and pesticides from cows’ waste, to make fresh ingredients for top-quality food products. Girveda utilizes CBNF practices that cultivate a culture through agriculture-based natural products.